In the Spring edition of the Newsletter is an article by Dennis Binns entitled “The Ghost Trains of Galloway”. In the same vein, here is a link to a National Library of Scotland page that has an online video of an amateur film made in 1965 that takes a journey from Dumfries to Stranraer on the “Port Line”. It can be viewed in the small window or enlarged by clicking on the arrow at the bottom right of that window. The quality is as might be expected for the time but it is very watchable and also has a commentary. CLICK HERE
On the same website, accessible via another link below, are georeferenced maps of the UK in several formats covering the years 1885 to 1961. An exciting feature of this site is the ability to overlay a 21st century “Google” satellite map.
How to use:
Top left – Find a Place – type in a location, let’s say Dalbeattie.
Choose an historic map overlay: the default is OS One Inch 1885-1900 – Outline – but there are 5 others available.
To view the modern overlay go to: Change transparency of overlay: and move the slider left and right. You can also zoom in and out and access the whole of the UK.
It is fascinating to be able to compare “then and now” and see how communities have changed.
The access link is here: CLICK HERE