22nd Sept. 2024. The latest in the series of recorded interviews has been added to the “Memories of Auchencairn” page. This was an interview with Robert Caldow in 2018.
Minutes of the AGM held in the Murray Hall on Thursday 9th May 2024 can be viewed via this link:
Opening times for the AHS archive will be shown here.
Auchencairn History Society archive won’t be open for the rest of December and January while we all take a break and get a chance to re organise the storage space and make plans for next year.
If you don’t live locally, or can’t manage our regular opening times, but would like to visit the archive, please contact us and we will be delighted to make arrangements for you to visit at a time convenient to you:
Lee Paton oldtorrlee@farming.co.uk
Marian Makins gmakins.123@btinternet.com
A new page has been added to the website: New** Memories of Auchencairn